Starter Cultures - Milk Keifer (Starter Grains) - 0.08Oz (2.4g)

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  • Regular price $29.99

Additional Details about Milk Kefir Grains

  • Milk kefir grains are live active cultures consisting of yeast and bacteria existing in a symbiotic relationship. Milk kefir grains need to be rehydrated using pasteurized dairy milk (not raw milk) before regular use. Once milk kefir grains are rehydrated, they can be transitioned to raw milk. Milk kefir grains can be used to culture coconut, soy, or rice milk once rehydrated, but must be rehydrated in dairy milk first. Milk kefir grains require regular refreshing in fresh dairy milk (as soon as the texture changes.)

Storage Information:

  • For best results, store in a cool, dry place and use by the date on the box.
  • Freezer storage is not recommended.

Milk Kefir Grains Ingredients

  • Organic powdered milk, organic milk, live active cultures.
  • Packaged in a small amount of organic powdered milk to extend shelf life.
  • This product contains no GMO ingredients.