Step 8 - Hi Fat - Cool Energy - 15kg NEW

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  • Regular price $28.99

Step 8 - High-Fat Cool Energy is a pelleted, vacuum infused feed designed for hard-working performance horses or horses that require fat-sourced energy for better body condition. 

  • A high fat, high fibre, low NSC diet, suitable for mature, senior, performance and metabolically challenged horses.  
  • Ideal for helping horses maintain their body condition, especially over winter or cooler months. 
  • Fat sources include non-hydrogenated canola oil, flax and rice bran, which provide an optimal 3:6 fatty acid profile. 
  • Vacuum infused technology allows for high fat levels, promoting an overall healthy gut microbiome.  
  • Double conditioned, large format pellet to enhance saliva production which supports a healthy gastrointestinal environment.