TestiGrip Castration Aid (Calves)

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  • Regular price $28.99

TestiGrip revolutionizes cattle management by simplifying castration procedures. This innovative tool is tailored for securing testes during elastrator castration.

With TestiGrip, cattle producers can be assured of proper castration without missing any testicles. Its user-friendly design caters to busy producers who lack the time to individually inspect each animal after castration. By ensuring thorough castration, TestiGrip empowers producers to maximize their livestock's.

The TestiGrip is a game-changing device that streamlines cattle restraint during castration. This invention allows for single-handed testicle grip, freeing the other hand to operate the elastrator. When dealing with protective cows eager to reunite with their calves, speed and precision are paramount.

TestiGrip simplifies calf castration with its user-friendly design. Its unique adaptability caters to both standing and recumbent calves. TestiGrip prioritizes comfort for both the operator and the animal, boasting an ergonomic handle and a pinch-free design.