Broiler (Meat) Chicks - Mistral Gris (Unsexed) - Shipment 2 - July 15th, 2025

  • Sale
  • Regular price $6.50

Mistral Gris (Mee-Stral Gree)  are a unique pasture meat bird, exclusively bred in Canada. Known for growing faster than the typical heritage dual purpose breeds, yet not as fast as a commercial broiler, reaching 5 lbs (live weight) by 9 weeks old, or kept until 12 weeks for a larger roaster.  

These hardy, robust birds are great foragers and feather quicker than your standard broiler, making them a great pasture bird, and a great choice for homesteaders.  

 Pricing for Mistral Gris Broiler Chicks will be $6.50 a chick for 1-24 chicks. 25 or more chicks the price will be $5.75 a chick. There is an automatic discount code that will reduce the price of the chicks a $0.75 Off each chick over 24 chicks. The chick orders will be filled in the order they are placed.   

Preordered chicks must be picked up within 24 hours of arrival date: July 15th, 2025 between hours of 9am-6pm.

 Chicks are in store pick up only. The Mistral Gris chicks are day old chicks and are sold as Unsexed. 

*** NOTE: Quantities available are tentative as chicks are not hatched, refunds available to any pre buy purchases unable to be fullfilled***

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